More than 20 lakh Kashmiris killed

 More than 20 lakh Kashmiris killed in 2 Centuries says Renzu shah

Srinagar, CNS, 16-Sept: Former bureaucrat and Kashmir society chairman Khwaja Farooq Renzu shah claims more than 25 lakh Kashmiris have been killed in past 200 years and his novel exposes the pathology of dynastic gangs which always exploited each situation for the furtherance of their Bear's Throne. 

While speaking to CNS, Renzushah said that  his Novel ,”Cashmir -Bear’s Throne” has emphasized the respectable personalities and youth to work with zeal to restore back the glorious image of Kashmir which has received dent during last 70 years because of contradictory ideologies and confusions .

"The scenes and events of this novel may hypnotise you, it may horrify and frighten you, you may roar by striking heads in the wilderness of the valley to recognise the characters of this novel but you will soon realize that the visages of these characters are ephemeral and amorphous", Renzu shah added.

This novel enlightens people about all those chapters of an illusionary valley that so far remained hidden. 

He said that for the last 70 years deliberate attempts were made to erase HanafiFiqa of Tasawuf in Kashmir and during the last few decades various divisive Firqa of hate introduced in Kashmir are bent to divide people and confuse them.

"Spiritual traditions of last 700 years have proved fiasco because ‘FiqaHanafia’ among Sunnis and ‘FiqaJaffari’ among Shia based on love, unity, Aitqaad and Tasawuf has been accepted by 99% majority of Kashmir and strengthened by thousands of great Awaliyas based in Kashmir.

Renzushah pointed out that as per Hanafi doctrines and spiritual Tasawuf Great Prophet Rasool-e-Akram SAW is Hayat which is symbolised by spiritual Green colour. He said that the colour of the Tomb of Madina Munawara has been kept green indicating explicitly that the Great Prophet is Hayaat (alive) on which Hanafi doctrine is based.

 He further said that like tombs of all pagoda type Kashmiri structured shrines, the old shrine of Hazratbal was maintained in green colour. However, unfortunately, unscrupulous politicians of Kashmir having strong communist and naxalite ideology not only are instrumental in stealing Moy-e-Muqadas from the holy shrine in 1962 for the sake of vote politics but later on similar “vote vultures” dismantled Green tomb and green chamber oriented Deodar wood pagoda type structure

He said that when Hazrat Bulbul shah RA arrived Kashmir he never came with sword but he was equipped with high knowledge of love in shape of Fiqa Hanafiya & Sufiyat which influenced Great king of Kashmir Hazrat sultan Sader din Rinchanshah RA along entire administration as message of unity , brotherhood and communal harmony was clear message of this Fiqa ideology .

Renzu shah said that history and image of Kashmir is witness of the fact that it never liked violence whether emerging from this soil or being imposed on it. 

He said radical and communal ideologies of any religion have no space in Kashmir as this paradise believes in knowledge of love only.

On being asked about the politics in Kashmir, he said that Politics in Kashmir is one of the worst things as Kashmiris are suffering because of false, emotional, and provocative slogans, which have been raised by the sponsored politicians since 1947. 

"Such politicians despite enjoying full support from New Delhi preferred to sail in dual boats and kept public  deprived of democracy. They managed to win elections either unopposed or through 3% voting'', Renzu Shah added. 

About book release Renzu shah added that he would like to get it released by Prime Minister Narendra Modi as he is the owner of county and only Parliamentarian who appreciated work of saints in Kashmir. (CNS)

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