Kashmiri teenage boy bags gold medal in national sqay championship

 Kulgam teenage boy bags gold medal in national sqay championship

Kulgam, January 7: A 9-year-old boy from South Kashmir’s Kulgam district has clinched the Gold Medal in Sqay category at the prestigious 24th Sqay national championship, 2023-24 held at Jaipur in Rajasthan.

Ehsaan Ahmad Bhat (09) son of Irshad Ahmad Bhat resident of Toli Nowpora area of Qaimoh in South Kashmiri's Kulgam district who is a class 4th student at Ayesha Ali Academy, Kanipora Kulgam won a gold medal at the 24th SQAY National Pre-Teen, Pre-Junior, and Junior Championship held at Jaipur, Rajasthan, from 4th January to 6th January 2024.

Irshad Ahmad Bhat, father of Ehsaan, told that his son loves martial arts and has been learning different art forms from last two years.

Ehsaan is learning different art forms at local stadium where trainer is training them and wants to go to international level.

“I am very happy that my son has achieved the Gold in the championship. He was always inclined towards sports and today his hard work has fructified. If we guide our children's in the right direction with proper support they are sure to make their parents proud,” he said.

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